SulNOx announces the publication of research by SciMed™, a leading supplier of scientific instrumentation in cooperation with SulNOx. SciMed™ is a long-term collaborator of the Company in developing its product applications.
The report describes the outcome of laboratory testing using SulNOx’s Heavy Fuel Oil (“HFO”) emulsification product, and Hielscher Ultrasound Technologies’ blending technology alongside SciMed’s analytical equipment and expertise.
Dr. Dan Clarke of SciMed™ has shown that emulsified HFO, blended by Hielscher’s equipment, using 80% HFO, 18% water, and 2% SulNOx HFO emulsifier, burns far more cleanly than untreated HFO. The report shows demonstrably improved combustion performance with notable reductions in toxic emissions and particulate matter.
These findings should be of interest to significant users of HFO such as commercial ship
operators and coal-fired power stations. HFO consumption accounts for approximately 9% of global hydrocarbon use but its harmful emissions are a significantly higher percentage.
Below we summarise the findings/highlights of this report.
- The use of water ensures more complete combustion, dramatically reducing soot and smoke and therefore Particulate Matter production (In a high oxygen environment –almost to nothing).
- Emulsification of HFO prior to combustion can turn it into a cleaner-burning fuel with dramatically reduced residues. More efficient combustion leads to more energy being liberated from the same mass of HFO. The combination of these factors offers economic benefits to users.
- The report outlines the efficiency and cost-effectiveness at the laboratory level which is a significant further endorsement of SulNOx’s patented product.
The report identifies potential cost savings that high-volume HFO users might be able to
- Significant reduction of particulate matter production potentially leading to reduced engine downtime and fewer services and engine overhauls.
- Reduction in Total Mass of HFO being consumed due to:
a. lower viscosity, therefore, a reduction in the need to pre-heat the HFO in order to pump it
b. more efficient combustion leading to lower consumption - Diminish or remove the need to install emissions scrubbing equipment.
- Working towards a solution for world emissions regulations such as IMO 2020 and improved environmental profile. In previous independent test results, the Company can evidence reductions in SO2 and NOx output, a key part of IMO 2020.
This report supports SulNOx’s business plan as it markets to global HFO users.
SulNOx Group Plc:
Radu Florescu,
Chief Executive
Aquis Stock Exchange Corporate Adviser:
Alexander David Securities Limited
+44 (0) 20 7448 9820
David Scott,
Corporate Finance.
James Dewhurst,
Corporate Broking.
The directors take responsibility for this announcement.
About SulNOx Group Plc
SulNOx,, has developed a hydrocarbon fuels conditioning and emulsifying process which enables more efficient fuel combustion,
Posted Apr 21, 2020
Reproduction of this information is with kind permission from SulNOx