- Uncovering the secretive, inner workings of coal power stations
- The Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) burnt in power plants is the dregs of the oil refining process, which results in toxic and extremely damaging emissions being pumped into the environment
- An opportunity exists to reduce these harmful emissions, at no cost to the power plant
At SulNOx, we have made it our mission to reduce air pollution and the harmful exhaust emissions generated through the combustion of diesel and HFO through the use of our unique, multi-fuel additive conditioners, emulsifiers, and stabilisers.
It is our mission to address the following industries, all of which can profit from using our product, which in turn, benefits the environment we all strive to protect:
* Power generation
* Heating
* Road transport (commercial and private)
* Shipping & Rail
Coal-fired power stations
Did you know, coal-fired power stations burn shocking quantities of high-Sulphur HFO, similar to the fuel used in ships?
Did you also know that HFO is the ‘bottom of the barrel’? It’s the thick, tar-like substance that remains following the refining process that creates the ‘good stuff’: crude oil to make petrol, diesel, lubricating oil, and oil for plastic and chemicals. As you can imagine, the resulting emissions from burning HFO are not pretty.
Cloak and dagger
It’s disconcerting to think an industry that produces 40% of the world’s electricity can be shrouded in secrecy; details are hidden and little research can be unearthed.
We have found it impossible to satisfactorily estimate the number of coal power stations in the world. We know there are 500 very large (2000MW+) plants including our very own Drax in Yorkshire which is 4000MW. The medium-sized plants run into the many thousands and are growing. What’s more, recent research from the World Resources Institute reveals there are 1,200 coal power stations in planning.
Igniting a dialogue
We were grateful to recently be invited to visit a friendly plant in central Turkey. We received a valuable education into the internal workings of a coal power station, being given ‘access all areas’ and information not available for public consumption.
Have you ever thought about how the coal is actually ignited? Bear in mind, power stations are turned on and off in-line with demands from the grid. Therefore, ‘pilot lights’ of sorts, must be continuously running 24/7; when all the boilers are in use, these ‘pilot lights’ consume an astonishing 12,000 gallons of HFO every hour!
SulNOx can dramatically reduce toxic emissions
While this may seem depressing, that burning HFO creates so many toxic emissions, with the sheer volume of fuel used being unimaginable, the good news is that we believe we have part of the cure.
SulNOx’s chemical emulsifier works exceptionally well with Heavy Fuel Oil and should be a no-brainer for any responsible plant operator. Our emulsifier products could have a material impact in reducing harmful emissions at no cost to the power station.
The magic
Our products create a water emulsion with oil, which results in:
* A far more efficient burn
* A significant reduction in the amount of Sulphur and other toxins emitted
* An extended component life
* A significant reduction in the traces of unburned HFO hydrocarbon, particulate matters, and soot
To speak with SulNOx about reducing costs, improving component life, and becoming more environmentally responsible and compliant at your coal power plant, please contact us today.
Posted Jan 04, 2019
Reproduction of this information is with kind permission from SulNOx